A trademark can be a symbol, sign, design, expression or a combination of those that symbolizes the rights and ownership of an offering regardless of product or service owned by a company or an individual. Trademarking enables the market to identify products or services from a company and help to differentiate a company’s offering from their competitors.
Although words and pictures are among the most commonly registered trademarks, any graphically distinguishing signs can be trademarked as well, if they can be identified. Company or brand logos are among the most commonly being trademarked locally. As not every logo or symbol can be trademark, it is recommended for applicants to consult consulting firms or attorneys to verify about the matter before proceeding to register any offering for a trademark.
Trademark represents a company’s identity and is deemed as valuable assets of the company as it prevents copying and duplicating of any sort of recognizable design or expression from other companies or competitors hence protecting the originality and goodwill of the company and brand. Trademark owners have the rights to pursue legal actions against companies that violate their trademark infringement. Trademarks typically last for 10 years, therefore must be renewed regularly for it to stay effective. Trademark registration is an essential step to ensure your innovative business ideas are being protected.
For more info, check out this article.